Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa shares his knowledge about
Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Falconry, and Kundalini Yogic Therapy.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Kundalini Yoga Classes in Fort Lauderdale

Chanting, breathing, meditation and postures all work together in a class to awaken the energy at the base of the spine and draw it upward. However, this is a style where a trained teacher is highly recommended.In the classical literature of the Kashmir Shaivism Kundalini is described in three direct manifestations. Firstly, as the universal energy or para-kundalini. Secondly, as the energizing function of the body-mind complex or prana-kundalini. The third aspect is as consciousness or shakti-knudalini, which simultaneously subsumes and intermediates between these two.

The Outdoor Las Olas Boulevard Farmers Market is one of the beautiful locations for kudalini yoga classes.

Sadhana Kaur & Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa, D.C.B.E.M., L.M.T., are now offering Classes in Kundalini Yoga & Individual Sessions in Skeletal Therapy as taught by Yogi Bhajan & Gatka Sikh Martial Art from India as taught by Ustad Nanak Dev Singh Khalsa as well as Certified Teacher & Practitioner Training, (only at 3901 S Ocean Dr, Hlwd), otherwise at the following locations:
Coconut Grove Farmers Market at the Shoppes of Mayfair on Grand Ave. & Mary St.: Every Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
1201 Los Olas Farmers Market, Ft. Ldle., 2nd Sunday every month & 1101 Los Olas, 4th Sunday every month: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
3901 S Ocean Dr, Hlndl/Hlwd, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Skeletal CyMassage Therapy: 12:00p.m.-6:00 p.m. Yoga: 6:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Yoga & Gatka Classes
Cost: $60.00 per hr., (divided among students in class), payable at beginning of class.
Bring: A friend or Partner!, Yoga Mat, (available through us), oversized beach towel, wear loose fitting comfortable clothing,(preferably white cotton) an organic, vegetarian snack to share at the end of class.
you will need a yoga mat for these classes. the best mats are the ones made out of pure rubber. You can buy one at walmart, k mart, sports authority for half of the price that ours sell for but they are all made out of pvc which is a very toxic material which you do not want in your aura or lungs. Next class bring an oversized beach towel to put over your mat and bring drinking water. The mats cost $58.00, but the investment is well worth it as this will be the only investment that you will need to make for kundalini yoga except for a sheep skin which we can also get for you but that is not necessary right away. Also make sure that the beach towel is clean as you will be doing a lot of exercises face down with the breath of fire. When you do kundalini yoga at home make sure that you put a clean white sheet on the floor beneath your mat as well so that you will not be breathing in dust with your pranayama or breathing exercises. Our idea in charging for these classes is to charge $60.00 per hour. If we have two people then the cost is half of that amount. For three people it would be $20.00 and for four or more people it will cost $15.00 each and this is what we want to strive for every time we teach, to have at least 4 people in a class unless someone specifically wants an individual class. Ideally a class should be at least an hour and a half to an hour and three quarters which is what we find works best for a complete physical workout, relaxation and meditation. This is the technology of kundalini yoga. First we start with the postures and breathing exercises and after each exercise but no always there is a relaxation period to allow for the energy that you create to circulate throughout the body and for the healing effects of that exercise to take place. By the time you finish that Kriya (set of exercises & meditation ) that you have been practising as each Kriya has a different and pronounced body/mind/spirit effect, you will automatically be ready to meditate as you have raised the kundalini energy,(consciousness and awareness) up the spine so that you are by this time in a meditative state of mind. In Tantric Numerology we call this the Neutral or Yogic mind , the 4th spiritual body.

Once you get inspired to start practising kundalini yoga at home which could take a few months depending on how many classes you attend per week, you will start seeing some very positive differences in your life. Relationships,both business and personal start improving as your intuition starts becoming more pronounced and your awareness and consciousness starts to rise. The increased happiness, joy and peace of mind create an amazing difference in the way you feel and how you interact with people. You will be come more outgoing as you will want to share your rising spirit with others. . One of the side benefits and reasons for practising kundalini yoga is that you will start to store prana, the life force at your navel point. This is like going to the bank at the beginning of the week and drawing out money that you will need for the rest of the week. Practising kundalini yoga creates prana at the navel so that it will be stored there until you need it. Once your energy gets low the pranic body kicks in and starts pumping energy into your veins. Whenever a patient goes to the doctor and complains of low energy , the doctor mistakenly will always diagnose the patient with weak adrenal glands, which is total misdiagnosis. The adrenal glands may be affected but it is not the root cause. The doctor will then advise the patient to do diaphragmatic breathing which is what strengthens the pranic body. The root cause of low energy is the pranic body or what we call in Tantric Numerology, the 8th spiritual body. If the pranic body, (diaphragm, solar plexus area) is weak, your energy is low. Practising Kundalini Yoga develops prana, life force in your body which gives you the energy to be positive, healthy, happy, outgoing and teaches you to conserve energy so that you do not waste it on useless pursuits
. Yogis have used animal skins for thousands of years to do yoga and meditate on because they neutralize the pull of the earth's gravity when you meditate. Not only do you liberate the soul of the animal by meditating on its skin but you also can achieve much higher states of meditation as there is nothing to hold your soul down as it travels during meditation. There are so many other positive benefits of sheep skin. Ideally you want to use your sheepskin only for meditation and yoga but they are also great to sleep on and sit on while you drive your car, fly in a plane, or just relax in your easy chair. They are used in hospitals for bedridden patients to prevent bed sores. Sheep skins allow the skin to breathe as there is a space between you and the skin created by the wool which allows an air flow which keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer and when you drive long distances there is nothing like a sheepskin to keep you comfortable to allow proper circulation. Kundalini yoga is a spiritual journey or path which starts with your first class. Once you get started, the only limitations that you will experience will come from your past and practising Kundalini yoga helps you to relate to the present so that you can take advantage of all of the wonderful opportunities that have always been there and that are always coming your way but that we were never conscious or aware of because of the limitations of our past which we all tend to hold on to. Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness and Consciousness and we look forward to sharing all that we have learned with you!

Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa will be doing Kundalini Yogic Bodywork at the market also.
For the yoga classes you need to bring:

An exercise mat,(which you can purchase from us:)
Two sheets, (preferably white cotton), one to be put over your mat, and one to cover yourself during the relaxation and meditation sequence of the class.
Wear loose comfortable clothing, (also preferably white cotton),
Drinking water.

Las Olas also sponsors the Wine & Food Festival, Art Festival, Home & Garden Show, and a Marathon.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Expo of Heart - Broward Convention Center

In recent years, people are taking responsibility for their own health and well being. The health and wellness industries are integrating; creating acceptance of more alternative health and healing modalities. The broward show today was interesing as always.
I received a "skin carotenoid score" laser scan. (was at the top of the range)
Many other new products and vendors were there.
It shows the effects of your diet for the last 4 months. You put your hand in front of this laser device for 90 seconds, and they give you the printout. The scan was $10 and entrance to the expo was $20. Parking is extra, but I cheat and park 3 blocks west, and take a nice walk. If you enter on foot, you must show a drivers licence to security.

The Expo of Heart provides a venue to showcase new cutting-edge products and services.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

tantric numerology

Numerology is not an answer to all questions. It is a useful tool for understanding ones strengths and weaknesses, and for working on the weaknesses and utilizing the strengths more effectively.
For more information about tantric numerology you can go to: and look for the book: Numerology by Dr.Guru Chander Singh Khalsa and Tantric Numerology by him as well. You can also find the book entitled; Akara Numerology by Hari Nam Kaur Khalsa from the same website. You may also find some written material from Akal Singh Khalsa who teaches Tantric Numerology. If you are interested in being trained as a certified SCMKYT practitioner it will be necessary to first complete our level one training in becoming a certified kundalini yoga teacher.
If you would like to email us directly at: we will email you our brochure with the course outlines and details.
thank you again for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.
peace to all, life to all, love to all
god bless you
sat nam
humbly yours
guru jiwan singh khalsa

Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa about to teach a Class in Kundalini Yoga.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Kestrel is the name used to describe several different types of the falcon genus, Falco.

American Kestrels (along with the Red-tailed Hawk) are one of two raptors almost universally used by new (apprentice) falconers in the United States. The American Kestrel is generally considered to be a harder bird to care for due to its small size, quick metabolism, and fragile nature (in comparison with the much larger Red-tail and other raptors used in falconry) and requires extensive weight management, often within a couple tenths of a gram. The pictures that follow are the inititation of training and observation. At this stage it is jumping 2 meters. It is a bird born in captivity and created for this falconer.