
Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa shares his knowledge about
Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Falconry, and Kundalini Yogic Therapy.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Public (outside) Yoga Classes

We are glad to hear that you are still enjoying Sadhana
Kaur's classes and we thank you very much for the gifts.

BTW, would you mind posting your comments about doing
Kundalini Yoga there at the Farmers market and sharing your
experiences with everyone? We think that this would be a
very valuable post for people to get over their fear or
initial negative reaction when we tell them that we teach
the classes right there in the markets.
For the life of me I can not understand why anyone would
find any faults with doing yoga at a Farmers Market outside
in the natural elements. It is no different than getting
skeletal or massage therapy outside. The only thing that I
can think of that people might object to is the noise
around them and not being able to concentrate but this fear
or negative reaction I feel will pass as they actually
experience a class in Kundalini Yoga there at the market.

My initial reaction when I first saw people doing chair
massage in public places was the same. I always thought to
myself: "why would I want to get a massage on a chair in
front of so many people? I would much rather get an hour
massage in private which always seemed much more relaxing
and healing.

It wasn't until I actually went to massage school and had
to do a certain amount of hours of volunteer public chair
massage and massage therapy on tables outside in parks for
the Walgreen's Red Ribbon Rides which were fund raisers for
aids victims that I really began to appreciate doing
massage therapy in public. I actually did skeletal therapy
on the bike riders which rode from Orlando to Hollywood
over a three day race and one of those days was at a park
in Dania right on the intercoastal with beautiful pine
trees under a large tent.

The racers had a chance to wash up in shower facilities
that were available to them there at the park and camp site
and then they lined up for our group of 20 or so massage
therapists in training from different massage therapy
schools. The best part of it all was the food. There were
more than enough delicious vegetarian dishes to choose from
as well as deserts from a very professional catering

Anyway this is how we got the idea to go Farmers Markets.
That experience made me realize just how beneficial and
wonderful it was for the massage therapist and client to
enjoy being outdoors on a beautiful day and experiencing
the things that we love most. Well, Yogis have been doing
Yoga outside in every imaginable place possible for
thousands of years! Why not at a Farmers Market?

Again my initial reaction was that there was no way that I
was going to be able to relax getting a massage in front of
other people. Well so much for that theory! All it takes
is about 3 minutes on a massage table for you to realize
that at that precise moment you really won't know or care
where you are because it feels so good that it takes you
out of your body and mind into a state of total relaxation.

Well, it is the same with Kundalini Yoga. Within 3 minutes
after starting a class, you realize that your worst fear or
any negative thoughts about doing Yoga outside in a Farmers
Market are absolutely nonsense and the feeling of
relaxation and upliftment are so beyond words that all you
can say is Wahe Guru (Indescribable Ecstasy). Before you
know it, all of the sounds of the market start fading away
and you drift into a state of total relaxation and joy
focusing on your breath, a mantra and you could be anywhere
you want to be!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Health and Happiness Market Coconut Grove Miami

Come meet the Guru of Universal Love, and other vendors at the new green market.
If is at the Shops of Mayfair in the Grove, Saturdays and Sundays 10:00 - 6:00.
2900 Grand Av, Coconut Grove, Miami has free parking nearby.
Kundalini yoga as tought by Jogi Bhajan will be held this Sunday at 12:00 noon.
The open-air plaza, providing fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, juices, and flowers.
Holistic healing kundalini massages and kundalini yoga classes.

The Miami New Times wrote an article in the June 16 issue.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Visualization with Kundalini Yoga

Although most movie stars, lottery win­ners and self-made millionaires had childhood fantasies of fame and fortune, ooly a very small percent of all those who dream of such things ever actualize their desires. What is it that makes one person's dreams materialize in the physical world, while nnst of us ooly fantasize withoot hope of fulfillment? It lies in INTENT & RESOLVE.
Visualization without intent, decision and resolve is mere fantasy. To validate a fantasy for actualization, it with "gut level" intention: the firm decision to acquire or attain a desired condition! In Kundalini Yoga this -= involving the Navel chakra, the ring center of the subtle body. Prove it to yourself: Fantasize a cherished desire and flesh in the details (how it will look, smell, sound and even im­agine touching things in the image). 1hen validate it! lbld the image and pull firmly 00 the navel point (allowing navel energy to join the picture) as you firmly decide to actualize it. Do you feel a difference?
The following technique is nnst effec­tive with an open Heart O1akra, and a power_ ful Navel Center (See Transitions to a Heart Centered World for Heart & Navel exercises), and especially in the m:ments following med­itatioo when the positive mind can effect­ively project desires and solutions.
1. First, clearly see and experience where you..l are doing, aware of each cell in the body connections to the envirorment and to the past and future. (Living in the past or future withoot. conections between them or an anchor in the present can cause anxiety. Serenity, cooversely, arises fran awareness of the here and I0סI, relationship to surrounds, connections to goals, and absorbtion in what you are doing. Contact with reality can be made by simply looling at one's hand or by feeling oneself sitting. Verify this by remembering a situation in which you were calm and notice how ­connected you then.)
2. Next, clearly see and experience why you want to be in a destination, a resolved problem, a realized achievement or cherished desire. Feel as you will feel, see
what you will see, hear what you will hear, and touch sanething. Experience satisfaction and serenity fran being where you set out to be.
3. Hold the vision and add resolution by finnly pulling in on the navel p:Jint and beaming a bright golden light from your 3rd Eye between where you are now and where you want to be. Feel the connection between present and future and try to feel them as one, in the same time dimension - the present.
4. Finally, visualize the steps you will take to get where you want to be. Make a visual plan. If the process is a simple one, one set of steps is enough. A canplex project may require several possible plans. As soon as you see the appropriate steps, you will begin to feel calmer.
a. Be sure not to add negative qualifi­cations or doubts that may block manifesta­tion, like "but I don't have enough noney to do that".
b. Establish a posi ti ve image of yourself, with the sense that you deserve the desired condition, and that others (especially spouse or parents) will support this decision, for we can block manifestation by negative prog_ ranming such as feeling unworthy or that others think you are undeserving, or unlucky.
c. The visualization may be as general or specific as feels appropriate. If spec­ific steps must be taken, include them but if you can feel that "it is being taken care of by the Universe", you needn't specify each step.
d. Allow each step or problem to be resol­ved along the way, merge into the light and feel it transform problems into solutions
5. Now, relax and let the Universe go to work. Let go of any concern and feel confident and optimistic and then forget it for now, adapting an attitude of gratitude for a happy result. Relax and allow you positive feelings to attract the result - feel your whole body merge into a golden light and project this energy from. the 3rd Eye and the Heart chakra. Vibrate with the Universe, acknowledging its benevolence and love.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Legion Park Miami Kundalini Yoga Class

This new green market continues to be a source of people networking and good friends and clients. Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa's mother has been helping inform organize and schedule yoga treatments. You can see her seated here in the backround, but you can be sure, she is on top of the action! Ahhh family, the warm, secure, loving feeling. It is like a fireplace, or hearth. Come visit us Saturdays at Legion Memorial Park 6447 Ne 7th Ave Miami, FL 33138. You can't miss it, since it is right on the main road, Biscayne Boulevard at 64th. The traffic here is reminiscent of the interest generated at the Aventura Miami mall kiosk that Guru Jiwan is known for.

Monday, January 21, 2008

red tailed hawk or american kestrel?

Dear Reader,
in god we dwell andin his name we write these lines to you
sat nam

This is in response to a blog comment/question asking what is easier to train.

A red tail is easier to train as an apprentice. Red tails are very easy going and become trained very quickly when trained properly by a good falconer. Redtails are very mild mannered and good tempered birds. They are opportunists and just hang around on poles or trees until they see something to eat and then just swoop down on it. Of course they love to soar as well. They are big birds and are much more difficult to kill by not feeding enough. Kestrels are so small that they need to be weighed twice a day and the balance of feeding just enough food to them to keep them coming back to you is so critical that too little food will kill them quickly because their metabolism is so different from a big bird like a redtail in the sense that they burn up food really fast.

They really are cute little birds and all the ladies are fond of them because of this. my wife loved our kestrel. even after we released it the bird would still wake us up every morning outside our window for about two weeks wanting food before it moved on.

A kestrel though is the best bird to fly after you have had experience with flying a redtail successfully if you want to fly falcons because kestrels are easy to obtain as they are everywhere during the season.
hope this helps.
god bless you
sat nam
humbly yours
guru jiwan singh khalsa

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Miami Legion Park Green Market

In it's second week, the new market is very successfull, with many vendors and customers.
It is at the front of the park, and along the entrance. This week we had many yogic skeletal therapy clients, almost back to back. High exposure and local neighbors out for a stroll drove most of the foot traffic. Next week should be better, but this week had about 20 vendors.

It is held Saturdays, 9 to 3 at City of Miami: Legion Memorial Park 6447 Ne 7th Ave
Miami, FL 33138. You will see the white canapies, along US1, Federal Highway, or Biscayne Boulevard at 64th. All three phrases describe the road, but is easy to find. (Map to Legion Memorial Park)

Friday, January 04, 2008

Red Tailed Hawk Corespondence

From: Therese Catanach

Actually, the gyr/pere/merlin is the opposite of inbreeding. Inbreeding is the mating of closely related organisms like siblings or child to parent etc. This is rather out-crossing- breeding an organism to something more distantly related than by random chance (such as outside of the species). Sorry for the textbook start, but this is sort of related to what I research :). Now on to your questions. Let me warn you now I have a tendency to drone on and on about some things- falconry and natural selection/speciation are both pet topics of mine so a combination of the 2 is really exciting. Hopefully I don't bore you and actually answer the questions before getting sidetracked.

I do not feel that loosing these birds is an issue- in the US by law hybrids mus be imprinted or sterilized. If its been surgically sterilized there there is obviously no chance of reproduction so that's one solution. Imprinting however is a little more tricky. In theory birds that are truly imprinted will not court or mate with other birds, instead they recognize humans as being the same as them and therefore court whomever imprinted them. This is not in reality always the case. I have heard of imprinted birds (and also birds that are imprinted but also raised around other birds or variations of that theme) court and mate with birds. So this has the potential for spreading hybrid genes. I do not thing that this is a big problem though based on the limited numbers of hybrids being flow (and lost) compared to the breeding population of the falcons in question. So lets say one bird (we'll say a gyr x peregrine) pairs up with a peregrine and successfully raises 4 young that (so they're 3/4 peregrine and 1/4 gyr). Of those 4, odds are only 1 will survive to sexual maturity and lets say it mates with a peregrine and it too raises 4 young (which are 7/8 pere and 1/8 gyr). By this point I believe you have diluted the gyr enough that there are very few gyr characteristics (if any) in the young. Hybrids occur naturally- off hand I can think of a few different instances of pere x prairie hybrids, along with a Swanson's x gray hawk, and also a Swanson's x red tailed hawk.

Next, I don't really think they would make the gene pool weaker. Natural selection would be in place for hybrids just like any other bird so if it can't cut it in the wild feeding itself and staying away from predators it would get killed and be removed from the gene pool. And actually the point of hybrids is that they have the best characters from the species in question. So while I do not thing the wild peregrine needs to be improved in any way (believe me if given the chance I'd be flying a passage pere right now) I don't believe a hybrid is really an inferior bird. For example, when restoring the peregrine falcon the P-fund used various subspecies of pere for their breeding stock. Part of the rational I have heard for this is that by doing so they put a variety of genes in the population and then let natural selection work out which of those genes were the best for the niche available.

As far as telemetry I have a Marshall Micro. They run about 250 bucks. My receiver is a modified HAM radio (I'm a HAM radio operator also, so I can have and use those) so that too was a couple hundred bucks. For a nice receiver you'll spend 500 or so bucks easy.

Hope this helps, I could go on and on about this, so if you want another round of torture let me know and I can go into species concepts and the fact that according to some abunch of the falcons should be a single species.


dear Theresa
In God we dwell and in His Name we write these lines to you.

sat nam
we saw your post in the hunting hawks email group and are always looking for falconers that never tire of talking about falconry!
You had mentioned that you had a gyr/peregrine/Merlin
what is your opinion on all of this inbreeding of falcons? our first sponsor back in 1987 is very much against it as he feels that when these birds are lost and end up in the wild that they are messing up the natural gene pool of wild falcons as they will ultimately mate with wild falcon and make the gene pool weaker which offsets the natural balance of life, kind of like gmos, (genetically modified organisms) which we try to avoid as much as possible. what is your opinion of this?
we look forward to hearing from you. Also it was interesting to hear that you have made so much of your equipment except bells and telemetry. what kind of telemetry did you purchase? we have heard the least expensive is the r10 unit receiver for under $300.00 on ebay.
god bless you
Peace To All, Life To All, Love To All
Sat Nam
Humbly Yours,
Guru Jiwan Singh & Sadhana Kaur Khalsa

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wilton Manors Green Market Massage

A new event on Saturdays, Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa will be there weekly, untill further notice.
Kundalini treatments are so relaxing, everyone can be helped by them.
Teach Kundalini in Fort Lauderdale?
Of course.
Visit out site or call, we would love to share and work with you.
studio 954 237 4186
cell 954 756 4509
It is just starting so there were only 8 vendors, but it was an interesting mix of local people.
A metaphyical shop owner, and a produce man had a steady stream of people pulling up, once the word got out about his extreme low prices.
I bought some fruit from him and honestly felt guilty about not paying enough.
The natural Richardson Historic Park & Preserve setting with super tall royal palms is excellent.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Kundalini Foot Massage

In 1983 I asked my spiritual teacher Yogi Bhajan just what he thought would be my best contribution to mankind as I had worked in many family businesses that 3HO, the Happy Healthy Holy Organization that he had started to promote the teachings of the kundalini yoga life style that he had taught us, (all of his students since 1968) and he told me that I should do massage as I was a healer.

He mentioned that I had been massaging his feet since 1971 and that he had always enjoyed this and that I had healing hands so this is what I concentrated my energies on since then. Ever since my first kundalini yoga class in Rochester, New York where I grew up with my first Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Maha Atma Singh, who is one of the greatest kundalini yoga student teachers having studied directly under the Master, I experienced both kundalini yoga and massage and it was then and there that I knew what it was that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Teach Yoga and Massage. These two experiences were the most profound impacts on my life other than music which I had been introduced to by my parents at the age of 12 starting with the piano.

Although I never really practised Massage Therapy professionally until 1983 I continued to study and pracitise under any and all conditions and mostly on other ashram members while we worked in the first natural foods vegetarian restaurant on the east coast, The Golden Temple Conscious Cookery in Washington D.C. in 1971 where we used to put in 15 hour days constantly on our feet, cooking, serving, cleaning all day and night for years.

While practicing kundalini yoga living in an ashram community was the main focus and purpose of our being there, our livelihood was our restaurant which paid our room and board and although our yoga practise sustained us through some very heavy working conditions, massage was also a necessity to maintain focus, a positive and serviceful attitude and above all it just plain felt good and made the whole experience a whole lot easier on our physical, mental and spiritual bodies!

Since I had the blessing of massage Yogi Bhajan's feet which I just started doing out of love for him because I had seen others doing it and thought to myself, "well if they can do it, I can do it!" It was such a wonderful experience since Yogi Bhajan was always counselling his students even while getting his feet massaged! Just to be in his presence and aura was such an amazing experience as one after another of his students would come up to him for his guidance in between his lectures and classes where ever he would go all over the world.

Since I had moved to the 3HO Foundation's East Coast Regional Center in Washington D.C. from Rochester, New York for my kundalini yoga teacher training where I was supposed to only be for only 40 days before being sent to Brussels, Belgium, (I ended up being there for at least 4 months before leaving for Belgium where I was being sent to help open up another Golden Temple Consious Cookery and 3HO kundalini Yoga Ashram in 1972).

Yogi Bhajan used to travel to 3 cities a week at the height of his carreer and used to sleep only 2 hours a day, a schedule which he kept for 25 years. He felt that because he was master of kundalini yoga that he could overcome the stress of traveling but we all knew that it would catch up with him sooner or later although he really didn't care because he always said that he was just a postman who had come to deliver so many letters and then he would quit. He also used to say that he was a garbage cleaner
because he used to have to clean the garbage from everyone's subcounsious and conscious mind and that it was his karma to come to the west and teach us neurotic westerners because in his past life, he was a Hindu Brahman who refused to teach one student who came to him seeking knowledge. He used to say that when he first came to this country that everyone that he met smelled so bad from their diets of meat and what ever else junk food that he could not stand within 9 feet of anyone.

Foot Massage however became one of my specialties as I enjoyed massaging his feet so much because I could just sit in his presence and bathe in his magnetic aura which was so powerfull that once you entered within 9 feet of it you simply could not leave. At least this was my experience and I would do whatever I could just to stay at his feet massaging them as long as he would allow me to do so.

Many times he would just ask me to simply place my hands on certain areas of his head or shoulders or feet as he told me that I had healing energy and that this was all I needed to do to help him although I am sure that the foot massage that I would give him didn't hurt either. I remember for many years that I would sit there and give him as much healing energy as I could and would use as much pressure in an attempt to break up any crystals or calcification along the 72,000 nerve endings in his feet while he was either on the phone doing business or counselling students and he never even acknowledged my presence. It was like I wasn't even there because he would never even react to all the pressure that I would use.

The only reason that I could come up with that he did not react to all of the pressure that I was using was because so many of his students would also take every opportunity to massage his feet so it seemed that wherever he went teaching, lecturing, doing business that there was always someone there massaging his feet. It had become like an institution that there should always be someone there massaging his feet in between his lectures and classes during breaks. Someone would always be there with a towel and a bowl of water with lemon juice and flowers to bathe his feet in and there was never a shortage of foot cream or oil to massage him with.

It was not until a few years before his passing that one day while I was massaging his feet after so many years of never even hearing a peep out of him regarding any pain that he might be feeling in the nerve endings or reflexology points from the yogic application of foot massage using around 25 pounds of pressure; (try telling this to a western reflexologist and they will literally drop the phone as you speak of how much pressure we use in yogic foot massage) that he finally gave me a look like he was going to kick me if i didn't lighten up on the pressure that I was using. I finally realized that all of the travelling that he had been doing was starting to catch up with him. he still didn't care though. he just wanted to reach as many students in his lifetime as he could to releive their suffering.

He always used to say that his greatest strength was his compassion and that his greatest weakness was also his compassion. His ability to uplift any human being that he came in contact with was amazing. It didn't matter who they were, how much money they had, or what their social status was, he would always tell us that it was our job to be like a forklift and lift up people everywhere we went. He literally would take us from the mud and raised each one of us like his own son or daughter to prepare us to become the teachers and healers of the aquarian age.............

god bless you
sat nam
humbly yours
guru jiwan singh

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Long Chant

The long chant is the ashtang mantra with 8 vibrations. It creates the soil in which one germinates the biij (pronounced beige like siege or seed mantra of sat nam, truth is god's name.
The long chant is one of the most powerful mantras that yogi bhajan has ever taught us and it creates tremendous peace of mind when you resonate the sound vibrations and pronounce each one of these 8 vibrations correctly: Ek (one) Ong (creator) Kar (creation) Sat (truth) Nam (name) Siri (great) WhaHe (infinite, wow, beyond words to describe) Guru (wisdom)
The timing of the mantra is exact as in every aspect of kundalini yoga as taught by yogi ji. You take a deep breath and then chant a short but powerful Ek and then with half of the breath that you have left you chant Ong and Kar with the other half. Then take another deep breath and chant a short but powerful Sat and then a long Nam and at the end a very short Siri (r is rolled like a Spanish r) and then take another breath and chant a short Wha and then a longer Heeeeeeeeeee and then a fairly short Guruuuuu. Try it with a CD for the 7 minutes that are recorded and you will enjoy it.

peace to all, life to all, love to all
sat nam
humbly yours
guru jiwan singh

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cymatic Therapy

Dear ones,
in god we dwell and in his name we write these lines to you.
sat nam
Here are some attached pictures of cymatic therapy in Barranquilla, Columbia, which is where my wife Sadhana Kaur was born and raised. We also offer cymatic therapy, skeletal yogic massage therapy, kundalini yoga and meditation here in our studio in hollywood, florida and at the Farmers Markets and have also attached some pictures of them for your reference as well.

We just wanted to share these pictues with you as they bring tears to our eyes knowing that these poor little children of God who have nothing are receiving our beloved cymatic therapy sessions which we believe to be the future of medicine as well as what we hold most dear to us: yoga and meditation. It was a joy for us to see these pictures and also a joy to share them with you.

For more information about cymatic therapy there are two websites that you can go to that sell these instruments. If you are interested please contact us and we will share them with you or you can go online and look for anything having to do with cymatics. We recommend that you look for any information about cymatics that has to do with Dr. Sir Peter Guy Manners, M.D.,Ph.D.,D.O. who is the original creator of the cymatic instrument who studied under the late Dr. Hans Jenny from Switzerland.

Peace to All, Life to All, Love to All
God bless you
Sat Nam
Humbly yours
guru jiwan singh & sadhana kaur khalsa

Friday, October 12, 2007

Move to the right location

Now that you are healing yourself with the yoga and raising your vibration and projection, it is important to surround yourself with good vibes. The time will come when it is right to leave that location and we pray that it will be soon.

When we had an ashram in Wash. D.C. we lived there for quite a while as we grew and finally it became apparent that we had to leave because of the rats, crime, pollution, etc, but it all happened gradually as our collective consciousness grew, changed and became higher. Our standards of living increased as our consciousness increased. Higher Consciousness is something that not only includes spirituality and being aware of your spirit and relating to it and feeding your soul which is hungry but also living in Higher Consciousness requires the correct environment in which to allow the changes in consciousness to develop.

Monetary values change as consciousness changes. Prosperity Consciousness is Higher Consciousness because it is an expansion of the projection of the individual mind unto infinity and that is the reason why Yogi Bhajan taught us for the first ten years about meditation and yoga to help us heal ourselves, physically and mentally and then he started teaching us prosperity consciousness because it becomes more obviously important for one to become prosperous materially as one progresses spiritually. Yogi Bhajan was such a master that he was able to teach us the importance of this. If you look at any other spiritual discipline, you may or may not find this. As spritually aware people who are also conscious of our physical health we must balance all aspects of life. that is what yoga means to find the balance in all things.

We meet many people here in south florida and from all over the world who have completely missed this point. It is not enough to be conscious of your physical health and eat healthy like the raw food vegan people. Every aspect of the self must be balanced to be healthy, happy and holy. This is why the technology of kundalini yogs is so powerfull because it balances all of the ten spiritual bodies.

We all have blocks or weaknesses in specific spiritual bodies which hold us back from experiencing our true spiritual self and destiny but we have the technology to overcome these weaknesses. All it takes is recognizing our weaknesses and then putting in the effort to become stronger. There are so many simple techniques that Yogi Bhajan has taught us that will help us in any situation that we find ourselves. It is just a question of applying those techniques.

Problem is that as human beings we are basically lazy and wait until the pressure that is coming down on is so great that we have to move, change, or do something to get out of that pain or suffering. That is why when we are suffering and in pain we pray.

We are all here on this planet to help each other. We all have specific strengths. gifts, destinies, paths and weakenesses within our ten spiritual bodies which are all different. When we sometimes think about the gifts that we have been given through Yogi Bhajan and the consciousness that we have developed through his teachings, we think that why can't everyone just get it? It is so simple! But there are so many conscious, sub conscious and unconscious blocks that are in the way that keep us from experiencing the joy, ecstacy, happiness, prosperity that as human beings deserve and which are our birth rights.

Sadhana becomes the most powerfull and healing act in our lives as we progress on this spiritual journey. Not doing Sadhana is creating distance to our destiny. It is the change, the catalyst, the fuel that keeps us going higher and higher but at the same time keeps us grounded and humble because the higher we get spiritually the more humble we become as we get closer to infinity, the source, origin and the ultimate goal of our lives.

Just as there are many rivers that lead to the ocean there are many paths that lead to infinity and union with that infinity and kundalini yoga defines these paths like a road map that gives you alternate routes. Do you want to take the slow and scenic route or do you want to take the most direct route that takes you there safely and quickly? This route is kundalini yoga!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Benti Chaupai

In God we dwell and in His Name we write these lines to you.
Sat Nam

You will not believe this one. Benti Chaupai is so powerful that it will smite your enemies ( your neighbors) into the ground
Don't let the movie effects of the horses, the midi computerized sounds and the drums throw you. This is very powerful stuff. just focus on the sound current of the words be recited and nothing else. The rest is just for show to try to make it interesting and appealing to a wider audience that may not listen to it or relate to it if it is not in a format like this.

We could send you clips of western Sikhs like ourselves reciting these baanis but very few if any of us have had the experience and dedication and devotion to recite correctly in the proper naad by studying gurmukhi, the language of the Sikh gurus derived from Sanskrit.

This is however one of our specialties and that is why we made that raga sadhana cd. although it has sangeet kaur who is a western Sikh and student of the Siri Singh Sahib and who produced this CD at the request of Yogi Bhajan, it was recorded and composed and also sung with the accompaniment of Sikh ragis, (musicians and singers) much like cantors in the Jewish religion, from India who have studied the science of gurbani kirtan which is the science of naad yoga and the science of raga combined all into one very powerful experience.
Peace To All, Life To All, Love To All
Sat Nam
Humbly Yours,
Guru Jiwan Singh & Sadhana Kaur Khalsa

Friday, September 14, 2007

Castellano TV Yoga Narration

dear ones,
In God we dwell and in His Name we write these lines to you.
Sat Nam

We wanted to let you know that we will be on Channel 22 aka Mega TV's Health Show this coming Sunday at 6:00p.m. for 8 minutes.

Sadhana Kaur, my lovely wife will be narrating in Castellano, (Spanish to us Gringos) a class that she has taught in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan to our two children, Amrit kaur (11 years old) and our son, Guru Prakash Singh ( 6 years old) (four minutes in duration).

Sadhana kaur will also narrate in Castellano as I demonstrate and perform Skeletal Kundalini Yoga Therapy also as taught to me by Yogi Bhajan, on our daughter also 4 minutes in duration. The background for this video recording was Fair Child Tropical Garden with 81 acres of beautiful Natural habitat for wildlife and a classroom without walls for students interested in studying plant biology. Please see the attached file to this email. The website for Fair Child Tropical Garden is:

We hope that you enjoy this presentation as we hope to do more God willing and will pass on this information to those that you care about . Mega TV has a million and a half Hispanic speaking viewers in the south Florida area alone so we are very happy to be promoting these two wonderful healing technologies to as many people as possible in hopes of spreading the message of health and happiness by our beloved spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan aka Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji.

Peace To All, Life To All, Love To All
Sat Nam
Humbly Yours,
Guru Jiwan Singh & Sadhana Kaur Khalsa
Health And Happiness Org / Guru Arjan Dev Ashram
Certified Therapy Sessions & Classes / Practitioner & Teacher Training
Cymatics & Bio Energetic Medicine as taught by Dr. Sir Peter Guy Manners
Skeletal Therapy/Kundalini Yoga/Tantric Numerology/Ayurved,
as taught by Yogi Bhajan,Ph.D. MA33543
Gatka, The Sikh Martial Art From India as taught by Ustad Nanak Dev Singh Khalsa
East/West Kirtan Performances & Recordings

Friday, September 07, 2007

Sadhana Kaur Khalsa Kundalini Yoga Television Broadcast

See you this Sunday for yoga class at Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We made a video for the Spanish Broadcasting System and Mega TV Network at Fairchild Tropical Garden. Their show is on Mega TV, channel 22 on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Check it out this Sunday if you are near a TV as we will be on next Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fort Lauderdale Yoga Class

Come Sunday for yoga class. (12th avenue at Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
It doesn't matter if it takes a week, a month or whatever, just come. We need to establish the energy there with a powerful vibration of kundalini yoga. It will help everyone including us. When you chant, chant from the navel. Really project the vibrations out there. Don't worry about anyone hearing you. WHO CARES? Let them hear you. They need our healing energy. We want them to hear you. It is very important that our presence there as kundalini yoga teachers be known. We Wish that we could put up a big long tall yogi balloon, do fireworks, sky lights, the whole thing. The more people feel, see, hear and know of our presence there the better!
keep up
sat nam
humbly yours
guru jiwan singh

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Las Olas Market Kundalini Massage and Yoga Classes, now every Sunday

The twice monthly farmers market, is now every Sunday.
Instead of using a parking lot like in the picture below,
they mangers will close down 12 Avenue at Las Olas Boulevard, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A varied assortment of health related vendors make up the successful gathering. It is nice to see friendships and cooperation building among the regular booth operators.
The picturesque street is perfect for stroll, and casual browsing, at the high end shops, or the market where produce, soaps, fresh breads, and esoteric health products, are making it a winner.
The vendors see the facial expression on the massage clients when they get up off the table, and think maybe they will try a jogic massage treatment.

Tought by the master of Kundalini yoga (Jogi Bhajan) skeletal therapy, is practiced at the
convienent market evey sunday. This ancient therapy, is thousands of years old, and is not just mechanical movements, but requires a lot of energy, and intuitive skill.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Baba Siri Chand

Dear Reader:
In God we dwell and in His Name we write these lines to you.
Sat Nam

The best thing to do if someone is bothering you is to chant the mantra:
Baba Siri Chand a lakh, Baba Siri Chand a rakh
this mantra invokes the blessing of Baba Siri Chand 10,000 fold
Baba Siri Chand was the son of Guru Nanak and is known as one of the most powerful yogis that ever lived.

It is said that you only need to focus your energy on who you are sending this mantra to and recite it only once because Baba Siri Chand was such a powerful yogi that only once is necessary and he gets insulted if you chant it more than once because it is not necessary.

I have a friend in new mexico that is a chiropractor who works with a lawyer because he is always getting clients that are in car accidents and need his treatment but their insurance companies are always trying to prove that his clients are not hurt and do not need treatment so he chants this mantra in court all the time with much success against these snakes who try to prove that his clients are not hurt or in pain and will have serious health problems in the future if their injuries are not treated.

Yogi bhajan once told us a story about how this mantra worked for him. He once went to meet a well known Yoga Master in India who he had wanted to meet for some time. When he went to his house and started taking off his shoes the master said no, do not take off your shoes, just come in as we have been waiting for you to come for so long and are honored by your presence.

Then when Yogi Bhajan went to sit down he saw a beautiful chair that was higher than any other chair and knew that to be the master's chair so Yogi Bhajan went to sit in a lower chair since he regarded himself as a student wanting to learn from the master. The master said no you must sit on my chair and pointed to the beautifully adorned chair for him to sit down.

Now this was highly irregular and most strange to Yogi Bhajan, but he did as he was told and the Master sat in a smaller and lower chair. No sooner had Yogi Bhajan sat down when he began to feel heat coming from the chair which became more and more unbearable. Yogi Bhajan knew immediately that the master was using his yogic powers to do this to test him so Yogi Bhajan chanted the above mantra silently.

No sooner had Yogi Bhajan finished chanting the mantra only once, the Master started yelling and screaming, jumped up and ran out of the room! Chanting this mantra sends the energy back to the person who is trying to bother you in any way whether it is psychic or not.

Baba Siri Chand lived in the forests and lived to be 400 years old and never aged beyond 18. He started his own sect of followers called Udasi. We know that for a fact that Baba Siri Chand lived this long because there was a dialogue recorded between him and the fourth guru, known as the guru of healing miracles, Guru Ram Das.

The fourth Guru had a very long beard and used to disguise himself as a beggar at night so that he could wash the feet of the poor and no one recognized him. Guru Ram Das was an orphan who used to sell boiled wheat berries on the streets of India. Once when Baba Siri Chand went to meet Guru Ram Das, he asked him, why do you have such a long beard? Guru Ram Das answered him, "just to dust your feet Baba Ji". Then Guru Ram Das began dusting Baba Siri Chand's feet with his beard. Baba Siri Chand then said to Guru Ram Das , "Now I know why you are the fourth guru." "Your humility is beyond this earth."

You are now beginning a new chapter in your life with all of the kundalini yoga that you are doing and you are starting to become more sensitive to your environments and the people in them which is normal. Soon it may be unbearable for you to stay there if the energy continues the way it is now. so you may need to make a decision at that point about what is most important to you. moving or doing something to clean up your neighborhood to create the peace of mind that is necessary to you for your own well being.

When I first starting doing kundalini yoga and I realized how much better I started feeling and how I began strengthening my will and became more conscious and aware of my thoughts, actions, words etc. I began to realize that i wanted to experience more of this lifestyle so i moved to live with another student of kundalini yoga so that we could practise yoga together for a while. Finally we both moved into a 3ho kundalini yoga ashram that we all helped start so that we could all get together in the morning and do sadhana. This was in Rochester New York in 1970 and I was 16.

One of the students helped to purchase this beautiful large house which we all helped to fix up and called it Guru Ram Das Ashram.
It was really beautiful. We all had jobs and helped pay the mortgage by paying rent and we were in heaven. Then one day the director of the east coast regional ashram in Washington D.C. came to visit us and told us that they needed someone to go to Belgium and help a new 3ho kundalini yoga teacher there start an ashram and vegetarian natural foods restaurant.

Since my father was from France and I speak French, I volunteered. I was first sent to Ahimsa Ashram in Washington D.C. where i lived for 4 months preparing myself by working in the Golden Temple Conscious Cookery which later became an international chain of vegetarian natural food restaurants. I lived in Belgium helping this yoga student teacher there for 6 months and then was sent to our ashram in Amsterdam Holland where I also lived for 6 months working in their Golden Temple Conscious Cookery Restaurant.

While there I had the opportunity to visit our London England Ashram and work at that Golden Temple Restaurant for a month or so. I finally returned to the states and then ended up in our Ashram in Ottawa, Canada which also had a Golden Temple Restaurant where i worked for 6 months or so before moving back to Washington D.C. to the ashram there which has now moved to Herndon Virginia and has grown to a very large and beautiful ashram with a few hundred western yogis/yoga teachers, sikhs and it is also a multicultural ashram as there are many sikhs from India that attend that gurudwara service on Sundays.

From there I moved to our International center in New Mexico which is the mother ashram of 3ho and lived there for 5 years and then Yogi bhajan sent me to England where i lived for 5 years and then moved to live with another student of Yogi bhajan who was also a sikh from India, in Vancouver BC Canada for a few months before moving back to Espanola for another 5 years where I met my wife and then we moved here with the intention of living here in the winter and in new mexico in the summer. We hope to return to new mexico for summer solstice and with god's grace purchase a summer home there. You are welcome to come if you like.

Peace To All, Life To All, Love To All
Sat Nam
Humbly Yours,
Guru Jiwan Singh & Sadhana Kaur Khalsa

Friday, June 29, 2007

Yoga is a Forklift

Well, let us take a fact. You want to become attractive. Then you can attract devils and you can attract demons and you can attract angels and you can attract good people. You're out in the market for attraction. I want you to be out in the market for uplifting, elevating -- not attracting.
What they call that thing that goes in and lifts everything? (Answer: Forklift.) Huh? Forklift! Teacher of Kundalini Yoga is a forklift. It uplifts its spirit and put's it in the rollers so it can keep quiet. That's what you have to do. And I also will say, there's no rule. Just sit down and honestly just chant "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" and just if you know little alphabets, it'll come through. Fake it, you will make it. But you have to believe it.