Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa shares his knowledge about
Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Falconry, and Kundalini Yogic Therapy.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Benti Chaupai

In God we dwell and in His Name we write these lines to you.
Sat Nam

You will not believe this one. Benti Chaupai is so powerful that it will smite your enemies ( your neighbors) into the ground
Don't let the movie effects of the horses, the midi computerized sounds and the drums throw you. This is very powerful stuff. just focus on the sound current of the words be recited and nothing else. The rest is just for show to try to make it interesting and appealing to a wider audience that may not listen to it or relate to it if it is not in a format like this.

We could send you clips of western Sikhs like ourselves reciting these baanis but very few if any of us have had the experience and dedication and devotion to recite correctly in the proper naad by studying gurmukhi, the language of the Sikh gurus derived from Sanskrit.

This is however one of our specialties and that is why we made that raga sadhana cd. although it has sangeet kaur who is a western Sikh and student of the Siri Singh Sahib and who produced this CD at the request of Yogi Bhajan, it was recorded and composed and also sung with the accompaniment of Sikh ragis, (musicians and singers) much like cantors in the Jewish religion, from India who have studied the science of gurbani kirtan which is the science of naad yoga and the science of raga combined all into one very powerful experience.
Peace To All, Life To All, Love To All
Sat Nam
Humbly Yours,
Guru Jiwan Singh & Sadhana Kaur Khalsa

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