Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa shares his knowledge about
Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Falconry, and Kundalini Yogic Therapy.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

White Tantric Yoga

A meditation that we have recorded on cassette ourselves in Espanola, New Mexico in 1993, which is also at the bottom of our links section of our kundalini yoga website which we would like everyone to follow it and learn it and experience the joy of life as taught by the fifth guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji who wrote this shabd, (sound current meditation), which I learned from my second Gurbani (word of the Guru) teacher, Bhai Jiwan Singh ji who could light up a dark room with his kirtan, (divine singing) and inspired by my spiritual teacher who taught me everything I know, Yogi Bhajan aka, The Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji.
As far as the Kundalini yoga post goes, we have our own style of teaching within 3HO Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan which is not as technical as most other forms of yoga. The style of teaching that we use is more cozy and heart centered and not so much about head.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is something that is experienced and felt by the practitioner as a rising spirit, like a warm relaxing and cozy fire in a kiva fireplace in an adobe brick home in New Mexico. There is a wood used for burning in fire places in New Mexico because of its aromatic scent which travels all throughout the neighborhood and Espanola Valley which is the home of our International Yoga Organization and mother ashram, Hacienda De Guru Ram Das.

Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa

The rising of the Kundalini is not something that can be analyzed or explained in technical terms and understood through intellect. It is something that simply is experienced and enjoyed as the spirit rises and warms the spine. The rising of the Kundalini is a natural process that happens when the body has become detoxified enough, the nerves and glands have become strong enough by practising the kundalini yoga life style to channel the energy, and the mind has become calm and relaxed enough through meditation. It is warm and cozy like being at home with your family and enjoying each others presence. What ever you can imagine of being the most beautiful, sacred and wonderful experience which at that precise moment happens is indescribable. You can try to describe it, but it is like trying to describe God! There is no book that you can read, there is no spiritual teacher that can raise this energy for you. You must learn the technology, which is the Guru. Gu means darkness and Ru means light. The Guru is the technology that takes you from darkness to light and it can be learned and practiced and experienced by anyone now. "There is no liberation without labor and there is no Freedom which is free." -Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini and White Tantric Yoga.
Sat nam
Guru Jiwan Singh Khalsa

1 comment:

H~ said...

This is a very interesting post. Thank you for sharing.

I am curious, would Raja yoga provide the means by which Kundalini may be technically understood by intellect?

An abstract mind that intuits impressions of the soul, I suspect, could gain insights.

I am interested in taking formal Teacher training, but am unable to leave my responsibilities in Madison WI. Might you suggest a means to achieve this?

Sat Nam